Carry on With Previous Routines
Had been the kids participated in athletics in your old community? Did they love hanging out at the library? Were they part of any afterschool groups or clubs? Do your best to provide continuity of their old activities after your move. This can connect them with kids with similar interests and provide them with things to talk about when they catch up with friends from their old home.
Join A Social Group
Your kids aren’t the only ones who need to socialize – you do too! Whether you join a running club, a book club, or take a class, meeting other people with similar interests is a great way to make friends. When you make friends with people who lead similar lifestyles, it’s likely that both families will bond with one another. It can be a little scary to put yourself out there in a new town but remember – you’re leading by example and showing your kids that they can do hard things, too.
Check Out The Local Community Center
Local community centers have many activities for kids, from karate to open gym and swimming lessons. Look at the calendar for the community center in your new town. Talk to your kids about the available activities, and see what interests them. This can be an inexpensive and fun way for your kids to get to know some new friends.
Host A Get Together
Hosting a party or BBQ is a fun way for you to get to know your new neighbors while your kids get to know new friends. Be sure to set up plenty of things for the kids to do – a sprinkler to run through, a volleyball net, or a craft station for younger kids are all great ways to get little ones engaged and talking. While you socialize with parents, ask them about what activities their kids love in the area.
Talk To Their Teacher
Before you move, you’ll register your child for school, and you’ll know who their teacher is going to be. Reach out to the teacher and see if there’s a homeroom or ambassador parent with whom they can connect you. You’ll be able to chat with this parent about your anxieties and excitement about the move, and hopefully, you’ll be able to have your child meet up with their child before they start school. Seeing a familiar face in the classroom can go a long way toward helping a kid feel at ease.